Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Christian Missionaries in our country

Well. I don't want to say wrong at the beginning. But I have some questions to be asked. If the Christians are the best religion, then:
1. who is the person described in here? well u will say "The Holy Spirit" then if so... where is the proof? what revelation did it brought in this world & where is it right now?
2. If Christ comes to you today, and if I happens to meet him and also if I happen to ask him "O Jesus, from which church do you belong?" what would his ans be? what is ur origin?
3. Didn't Jesus (AS) say this?

4. Did Jesus (AS) fit to this (this is from your own Bible: the book you claim to be the word of God)
5. How can you say that Jesus is God? and trinity even which is not in your own scripture?
I feel the scripture is incomplete since it left out ONE of the most important thing which every christian should beleive
6. If Adam (AS) did not ask me before he ate the forbidden fruit, why should I bear the sin from which I am innocent? Is your God that illogical? NO. So why: and it is in your own Bible which says: "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him [Ezekiel 18:20]"
7. Is there even a single human being from the followers of Jesus (AS) christ who followed Jesus (AS)? even I feel sad on this :-(. NO ONE NO ONE NO ONE. woe to you... no one lived. everyone died from the time of Jesus (AS) yes you may have done a mistake before, but when you repent you shouldn't die. as in {Ezekiel 18:21}. So better first not to boast about your religion right?
My dear Maldivians, these are the Christion missionary works. They are one among the people about whom Allah has stated about their jealousy in the Qur'an. They knew who was Muhammd (SAW) but they ignored. why? becuase:
1. The Bany Israel has lost the last messenger from them
2. Muslims became much more special than all of them (Jews and Christians)

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